BrainSuite Installed and Not Working


I have read all other topics related to this issue, but I have since properly installed BrainSuite, the matlab runtime command (most recent), and BrainSuite properly opens and can load previous data from other studies. However, when I try to import a CT and register it to the MRI I have uploaded with the CT2MRI reg function, it cannot recognize that BrainSuite has been installed on this computer, despite setting the path in edit>preferences. What else can I do?

Hi @kjgrf,

Please provide information about your setup.
This can be obtained with the menu Help > System info in the main Brainstorm window

Is there any error message related to his behaviour?

By curiosity, have you checked this page on setting up BrainSuite and Brainstorm?

@Raymundo.Cassani when I go to Help > System Info within brainstorm, I see that the version is 3.240819, I have the ct2mrireg, mia, and spm12 plugins, and that my matlab version is R2024a, while my Java version is 1.8.

Yes, I have checked the linked page on setting up BrainSuite. That's how I installed it and set it up, but as stated even though I have opened BrainSuite on my computer multiple times and have set the path in File > Edit Preferences, Brainstorm does not see that BrainSuite is installed at all on my computer.

Hi @kjgrf,

It is difficult to understand your issue with incomplete information.

  • Which OS are you using?
    This info is in the System section of the information printed with Help > System Info

Please answer the questions above, so we can help you out at using BrainSuite with Brainstorm

Turns out that all I needed was updating Matlab for it to work! There were some bugs that got worked out, and now all CTs are being properly registered to my MRIs. Thank you so much for your help!