Can I fix the following movie design?

Hi. I looked at the Visual Exploration tutorial, and I could generate a movie of my experiment. An instance of the movie is:

I located each graphic in all the corners. But, in the movie and this image, it can be observed that there are two thick black lines, one in the middle of the image and the other at the top. I realized this occurs because when the movie is generated, the bars of Minimize, Maximize, and Close still stay while the video is recording.


Is there a way these black lines don't appear in the final video? I tried to solve this problem by resizing the graphics, but this only worsened the design of the movie. I couldn't achieve that these Minimize, Maximize, and Close bars don't appear while the movie is recording.

I really would appreciate your help.


I saw the same issue when trying to make a video in December. I didn't have time to look more deeply into a solution though.

My "fix" for this was to make a video of each window separately and then combine them into a unique video afterward (in my case, in powerpoint) . It's not ideal but it's working. :slight_smile:

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