Can I generate a movie of my experiment without taking all the time axis?

Hi. I want to generate a movie of my experiment. My experiment has a duration of 178.863 seconds and I have 4 figures: 2D Disc and 3 times series (for EEG, Galvanic Skin Response, and Heart Rate). I have the following parameters to generate the movie:

Start time (s): 0
Stop time (s): 178.863
Video duration (in seconds): 178.863
Frame rate (in fps): 15
Quality [0-100]

My Page settings start in 0.0000 seconds and have a duration of 14.9996 seconds. When I start the movie generation, instead of recording the whole experiment, the movie generation records only the first 15 seconds, during 178.863 seconds, and doesn't travel along the time. I mean, I want the times series can move and change its corresponding windows while they elapse. How can I achieve it?

Hi @RomanCh

Have you checked this tuto:

What is the length of the time series that you are displaying in your screen?
The video capture is a multiple screenshot of the figures in your screen.

I think this is your issue, you need to have the full page of the recording, you have 15S because your windows has 15s