Can one use channel markers to set channel-specific bad epochs in continuous recordings?

Thank you both! This was very helpful.

In case it help someone else, I adapted my script such that it now reads a table formatted as follow (this is an example) :


and gives the following (expected) result in Brainstorm:



Here is the script :

% Get the electrode(s) to mark as bad in specific trials
    trial_chan = readtable(BadTrialChan) ; 

    % Get channel file
    channelFile = bst_get('ChannelFileForStudy',  sFiles.FileName) ; 
    sChannel = in_bst_channel(channelFile);

    fileNames = {sFilesEpochs.FileName} ; 
    % List of bad channels per file
    for iFile = 1 : length(trial_chan.TrialID)    

        % Reads epoch in which there are one or several channels to mark as bad
        sFile = in_bst_data(fileNames{trial_chan.TrialID(iFile)}, 'ChannelFlag', 'Comment');    
        % Process: Set bad channels
        chan_sFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_channel_setbad', sFilesEpochs(trial_chan.TrialID(iFile)), [], ...
        'sensortypes', trial_chan.ChannelList{iFile});



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