Cannot Begin Electrode Localization


I have found several conflicting protocols for how to upload an MRI, CT, and then visualize EEG data and localize electrodes. To give a brief overview of where I am, and more importantly where I got stuck:

--I uploaded a subject's preop MRI in the file format .nii, with major success, and defined all fiducials.
--I uploaded a subject's sEEG CT scan as both a CT AND an MRI under the anatomy tab, and was able to overlay the two in both MRI viewer and the 3D viewer with success. I can see the electrodes in this fashion overlayed on the subject's MRI!
--I toggled over to the functional tab, and here is where I run into issues.

--I uploaded a raw EEG file (in a .edf file type), and it correctly entered the 276 total channels as "raw" data, but I cannot do MRI Registration>EEG Edit as some protocols suggest because it cannot find any 3D positions, MRI head points, or really anything useful. Even if I am able to put the channels onto my 3D head mask (I can't get the MRI to show up anymore under the functional tab), only 1 of my 276 channels is located in that view, and it is number 276 which is my PLETH channel and carries no important or relevant data.

How can I fix this?

The EDF files do not include the location of the sEEG.
You need to define the location of the sEEG from the CT as explained in this tutorial:

Okay, I will look over that link, but our CT scans are saved as sEEG_CT, meaning the two are already combined.

Check your files' format, how they are saved, and if Brainstorm supports them.

I don't know any standardized format that combines the sEEG and the CT in one file, and I'm not sure your format is supported by Brainstorm.

They are in DICOM format, and upon checking the link you sent me, here is where I get stuck--- * Right-click on the subject node > Import CT.
Select: tutorial_seeg_implantation/postCT.nii

  • Choose No for the NifTI Scaling. TODO-EXPLANATION
  • Choose Yes for the transformation for MRI orientation.
  • Choose CT2MRI and Yes for reslicing so that we can overlay the CT on the MRI

what file type am I supposed to choose when uploading? Any file type I use it tries to make my CT scan an MRI within Brainstorm. All CT files have been saved as both dicom files and nifti files.