Cannot display as connectivity graph

Don't know if it is a bug or not, but I feel like it is also taking a lot longer to process the Bivariate Granger causality (spectral) NxN (as well as some other functions). Each time I stop (not always at the same time) the process it stops at the same spot which you can see here below.

Operation terminated by user during bst_mvar (line 132)

In bst_granger_spectral (line 200)
[transfers, noiseCovariance, order] = bst_mvar([X(iX, :); Y(iY, :)], order, inputs.nTrials, inputs.flagFPE);

In bst_connectivity (line 411)
[R, pValues, OPTIONS.Freqs] = bst_granger_spectral(sInputB.Data, sInputA.Data, sfreq, OPTIONS.GrangerOrder, inputs);

In process_spgranger1n>Run (line 97)
OutputFiles = bst_connectivity({sInputA.FileName}, [], OPTIONS);

In process_spgranger1n (line 27)

In bst_process>Run (line 230)
OutputFiles = sProcesses(iProc).Function('Run', sProcesses(iProc), sInputs);

In bst_process (line 37)

In panel_process1>RunProcess (line 124)
sOutputs = bst_process('Run', sProcesses, sFiles, [], 1);

In panel_process1 (line 26)

In gui_brainstorm>CreateWindow/ProcessRun_Callback (line 773)

In bst_call (line 28)

In gui_brainstorm>@(h,ev)bst_call(@ProcessRun_Callback) (line 297)
gui_component('toolbarbutton', jToolbarA, [], '', {IconLoader.ICON_RUN, TB_SIZE}, 'Start', @(h,ev)bst_call(@ProcessRun_Callback));