I have created montages with a script, and now want to delete them. For an unknown reason, I cannot manage to delete some of them. Whether I use the "Delete" key or the UI button "Delete montage", I get the following error:
*Error using cellismemberlegacy (line 24)*
*Unrecognized flag 'ICs_S20_ind_inv1'. Valid flags are 'rows', 'legacy'.*
*Error in cell/ismember (line 98)*
* lia = cellismemberlegacy(a,b,flag1,flag2);
*Error in panel_montage>DeleteMontage (line 1156)*
* if ismember(sMontage.Name, {'Bad channels', 'Average reference', 'Average reference (L -> R)', 'Scalp current density', 'Scalp current density (L -> R)', 'Head distance'})
*Error in panel_montage>ButtonDelete_Callback (line 321)*
* DeleteMontage(sMontages(i).Name);
*Error in panel_montage>MontageKeyTyped_Callback (line 255)*
* ButtonDelete_Callback(hFig);
*Error in panel_montage>@(h,ev)MontageKeyTyped_Callback(ev,hFig) (line 554)*
* 'KeyTypedCallback', @(h,ev)MontageKeyTyped_Callback(ev,hFig), ...
Would you have any idea about the cause of this issue?
Thank you,