Cerebellum Segmentation

Dear Francois,

I have downloaded from Github Buckner17 Volume Atlas in MNI coordinates for the cerebellum (cerebellar_atlases/Buckner_2011/atl-Buckner17_space-MNI_dseg.nii at master · DiedrichsenLab/cerebellar_atlases · GitHub). First, I compute the MNI coordinates of my subject (right click MRI/MNI normalization/maff8) then I import the surface file (right-click on subject > Import surface > Select: atl-Buckner17_space-MNI_dseg.nii).

My question is: How does brainstorm take a volume parcellation atlas (.nii file) and projects it on the surface? Is it a reliable method?

Also, when I import the Buckner17 Atlas, brainstorm splits the scouts in right and left direction. For example scout 2 is split into scout 2 R and 2 L. How can I neglect this split and keep the original atlas' scouts?

Here are pictures of the cerebellum surface parcellation with Buckner17 in brainstorm:

Kind regards,
Konstantinos Tsilimparis