Changing default color sensor labels in EEG 2D Disc map

How can I change the default color of the sensor labels in a 2D Disc map?

In this map, the sensor labels are yellow, and the names of the electrodes cannot be appreciated very well. I want to set the label's color as black by default. Is there a way to achieve this?
Either with code or with GUI Brainstorm. By clicking Figure -> Matlab controls, I can change the color of one label to black by clicking it, but I have to go through each label to change the color. If there is a way to change all the label colors to black automated, I would appreciate a lot to know how to do it.

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All those labels are Text objects with the tag SensorLabels, as such you can change their color with:

% With the figure open, find SensorLabels in Current Axes (`gca`)
hSensorLabels  = findobj(gca, 'Tag', 'SensorsLabels'); 
% Set to font color to black
set(hSensorLabels, 'Color', [0,0,0]);