Channel file EBNEURO BE Plus LTM

Dear Francois,
Please help me find channel file of EB Neuro BE Plus LTM (64 and 128 ch).

I'm sorry, we have never been in contact with this company.
You could could try to contact their customer service asking for standard 3D positions.
If you can find default positions for this can, please share it with us so we can integrate it in Brainstorm.

If these caps are using standard 10-10 positions, you should be able to use the generic positions available in the Brainstorm. Link your recordings to the datbase, right-click on the channel file > Add EEG positions > ICBM152 > Generic > ...

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Thank you so much Francois!

Thank you for the example file.
I'm not sure how this should be interpreted...
You could try creating a new text file from this .xml file with one line per electrode, for example transform
<Electrode name="Fp1" x3="1.4" y3="-3.16" z3="2.41" x2="-0.32" y2="-0.64" S1020="1" S1010="1" S105="1" />
Fp1 1.4 -3.16 2.41.

Import this new file by right-clicking on the channel file created automatically when linking your recordings to the database > Add EEG positions > Import from file > Select the file format "EEG: ASCII: Name, XYZ".

Then adjust the position the electrodes positions on the head surface: right-click on the channel file > MRI registration > Edit. Translate/rotate/resize then project the electrodes on the head surface (read the tooltips of the buttons in the toolbar for help)

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Hi Francois,
I got this bizarre arrangement of electrodes after creating a channel file.-- > MRI registration> Edit
I couldn't figure out how to arrange the electrodes. Please help!
EEG_3D_@default_subject.tif (141.3 KB)

The positions of the electrodes in your file are not registered with the head surface, you need to do this registration manually.
Immediately after loading the positions, right-click on the channel file > MRI registration > Edit.
Use rotations and translations to position the electrodes correctly on the head (eg. it is your job to put the frontal electrodes in the front of the head instead of the right, Brainstorm will not do this for you). Only when the alignment looks correct to you, you can project the electrodes on the skin.

Otherwise, use the 10-10 standard positions available in Brainstorm. No manual registration will be needed.

Thanks a lot...

Hi Francois,
Please include 3D EEG positions (64 and 128 ch) of EBNeuro in your future BS updates.

I'm sorry, the positions you provided are not in MNI space, I don't know how to register these electrodes to our template. I don't have any reference example of how this cap should be positioned on the head, therefore I can't do this myself.

Please do this work yourself, then send me the resulting channel files, for the two caps:

  • Create a subject using the default anatomy ICBM152
  • Create a new folder and import your positions as a channel file for this folder
  • Right-click on the channel file > MRI registration > Edit
  • Resize/rotate/translate the electrodes positions
  • Project them on the head surface
  • Refine the channel position one by one (select the channel, select the button to move the electrode, right-click and move to drag the electrode along the head surface)
  • Make sure the electrode cap is symmetrical left-right (set some transparency to the scalp surface, then use the standard views buttons 1 and 3 make sure the corresponding channels match)
  • Right-click on the channel file > File > Show in file explorer
  • Upload the channel.mat file somewhere and post the download link here
  • Repeat for the other cap
  • Then I will add these channel files to the Braintorm distribution.

Thank you for your contribution.

Thank you Francois....I shall try!:star_struck: