Checking to see if my script for extracting EEG source data is correct

Hi Francois,

Thank you for the help with the EEGlab electrode positioning. We ended up doing --> use default EEG cap--> ICBM152--> EGI--GSN HydroCel 256E1. Then in the edit channel file, we had to manually change E257 TYPE (which is electrode Cz) to Type = EEG instead of "No-loc" because it would not show up on the scalp. Cz then popped up, but it was inside the head. We manually changed the positioning of Cz so that it was in the correct spot according to our cap. But when we plot the scalp with electrodes on the scalp, Cz does not align with Z. In fact, it looks like the electrode behind Cz (E81) aligns with Z. Is Cz suppose to align with Z? If yes, is there a way to make xyz cross bars move forward?

Here is a picture

Thanks very much