Coherence result output mat file does not have enough info


These are screen shots of the same coherence computation using two different brainstorm version.

  1. Long one: old version (Dec 10 2019 ) has more detailed info about coherence such as the template name (Desikan-Killiany), time range analyzed, when the scout was applied, etc.
  2. Short one: newer version (Jan 10 2019) has a limited information....

so we cannot double-check whether we selected the right time window or scout applied before vs. after.

I wonder if you can update this.



Before or after December 2019, you have the Options field that contains all the parameters:

  |- Options:       
  |    |- Method:       'corr'
  |    |- ProcessName:  'process_corr1n'
  |    |- TargetA:      'Cz,P4,C4,F4,Fz,P3,C3,P3'
  |    |- TargetB:      []
  |    |- Freqs:        0
  |    |- TimeWindow:   [-0.1, 0.5]
  |    |- IgnoreBad:    0
  |    |- ScoutFunc:    'all'
  |    |- ScoutTime:    'before'
  |    |- RemoveMean:   1
  |    |- CohMeasure:   'mscohere'
  |    |- MaxFreqRes:   []
  |    |- MaxFreq:      []
  |    |- CohOverlap:   0.5
  |    |- GrangerOrder: 10
  |    |- GrangerDir:   'out'
  |    |- RemoveEvoked: 0
  |    |- isMirror:     1
  |    |- PlvMeasure:   'magnitude'
  |    |- isSymmetric:  1
  |    |- pThresh:      0.05
  |    |- OutputMode:   'input'
  |    |- iOutputStudy: []
  |    |- isSave:       1
  |    |- isScoutA:     0
  |    |- isScoutB:     0
  |    |- sScoutsA:     []
  |    |- sScoutsB:     []

The "short" structure without information is a FieldTrip structure, not a Brainstorm structure.

Thanks for the info.

I guess you are saying that we can access these info in Brainstorm (by doing right click)
However, what I mean is after the data is extracted as a mat file, we cannot track the parameters in the mat file.
let me know if I misunderstand your comments.



The file is saved as a .mat file, it contains all this information. You can load this file with the Matlab function "load", and access everything you need. In the popup menu "File", you can find many ways of accessing the file location.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what kind of information you need on top of this.

Thank you.
As you explained, I was selecting 'FieldTrip' mat file, not a 'brainstorm' structure.

I appreciate your help.
