Coherence result output mat file does not have enough info

Before or after December 2019, you have the Options field that contains all the parameters:

  |- Options:       
  |    |- Method:       'corr'
  |    |- ProcessName:  'process_corr1n'
  |    |- TargetA:      'Cz,P4,C4,F4,Fz,P3,C3,P3'
  |    |- TargetB:      []
  |    |- Freqs:        0
  |    |- TimeWindow:   [-0.1, 0.5]
  |    |- IgnoreBad:    0
  |    |- ScoutFunc:    'all'
  |    |- ScoutTime:    'before'
  |    |- RemoveMean:   1
  |    |- CohMeasure:   'mscohere'
  |    |- MaxFreqRes:   []
  |    |- MaxFreq:      []
  |    |- CohOverlap:   0.5
  |    |- GrangerOrder: 10
  |    |- GrangerDir:   'out'
  |    |- RemoveEvoked: 0
  |    |- isMirror:     1
  |    |- PlvMeasure:   'magnitude'
  |    |- isSymmetric:  1
  |    |- pThresh:      0.05
  |    |- OutputMode:   'input'
  |    |- iOutputStudy: []
  |    |- isSave:       1
  |    |- isScoutA:     0
  |    |- isScoutB:     0
  |    |- sScoutsA:     []
  |    |- sScoutsB:     []

The "short" structure without information is a FieldTrip structure, not a Brainstorm structure.