Dear all,
Since the last update I have "color map" problems, with an upside down display of the color map. For instance, I plot a TF map with an upside down color bar, meaning that the displayed data do not fit the color bar (upper figure). However, if I select the option "Hide edge effects", then the displayed data do fit the color bar, even if the color bar is still displayed upside down (lower figure).
I re-updated Brainstorm to make sure the last update was properly installed but nothing has changed.
If you the colorbar on the right of the figure looks like this, it is because you have selected the colormap “jetinv” in the colormap configuration (right-click on the figure > Colormap > Colormap >…)
If the colors get reversed in your figure when you simply click on the checkbox “Hide edge effects”, it doesn’t make any sense and there is probably something to fix.
Could you send me this file so I can have a look at it? (upload it somewhere and send me the link as a private message).
Hi Francois,
Thanks for the quick reply. Actually I selected “jet” colormap. When selecting “jetinv” it turns to display the “normal” jet-like color map.
I send you the .mat file. Thanks a lot.
This is weird. I opened your file on my computer and it looks OK. No reversed jet color bar, no change when clicking on the “Hide edge effects” button.
Maybe this is due to weird opengl bugs?
Try disabling the OpenGL (menu File > Edit preferences). If it solves the issue: update your graphics driver.
You could also try with the compiled version of Brainstorm (follow the instructions “Without Matlab” from the installation page), or a different Matlab version.
Thanks a lot Francois, I indeed disabled the OpenGL and it works quite well.