Colour maps sources

Hi Francois,

Thank you so much for your reply. I am very grateful for your help!
I have a quick question about the "Test - Difference of means" approach that I have taken to compare the awake and drowsy conditions in source space.
I want to understand which sources are statistically significantly different between awake and drowsy conditions for each of the individual participants. So, in other words, for each individual I want to choose a scout that is statistically more active in the awake than drowsy trials. To do this, I originally aimed to do a paired samples ttest in brainstorm to produce a source map with the statistical differences, However, because there is a different number of trials in the awake and drowsy conditions, brainstorm will not allow me to run a paired samples ttest - this option is greyed out. There is an option for an "independent samples ttest" but given the awake and drowsy data is coming from the same individuals, this does not seem the best approach.
So, my question is, is the "Test-Difference of means - difference of weighted means" a good approach?
How should I best demonstrate the sources that are statistically more active in awake than drowsy trials for each individual?
Thanks so much for your insight!