Common source activation across subjects and conditions

Hi François,
I found an easy solution using a function found in fieldtrip scripts (see minimumstatistics in ft_conjunctionanalysis).
Thank you for your prompt response!

Is it really only returning the maximum probability or minimum statistic across a bunch of files?

It would be trivial to implement a process that does this in Brainstorm.

  • Select 2 or more stat files in Process1

  • For each file f:

    • If Conj is not defined:
      • Conj = f.pmap
    • Else:
      • Conj(f.pmap > Conj) = f.pmap(f.pmap > Conj)
  • Or for minimum statistic:

    • If Conj is not defined:
      • Conj = f.tmap
    • Else:
      • Conj(f.tmap < Conj) = f.tmap(f.tmap < Conj)
  • Or since we store both in Brainstorm files (pmap and tmap) it would be easier to compute the two at once:

    • Conj.pmap(f.pmap > Conj.pmap) = f.pmap(f.pmap > Conj.pmap)
    • Conj.tmap(f.tmap < Conj.tmap) = f.tmap(f.tmap < Conj.tmap)

Does this make sense?

Yes, I think you're right. But I'm not an expert :slight_smile: Here are 2 articles on the subject (Nichol et al. 2005; Friston et al., 2005). According to these two references, I think that a minimum statistical test is sufficient to perform a conjunction analysis.

Nichols, T., Brett, M., Andersson, J., Wager, T., Poline, J-B., (2005). Valid conjunction inference with the minimum statistic, NeuroImage, Volume 25, Issue 3.
Friston, K.J., Penny, W.D., Glaser, D.E. (2005). Conjunction revisited, NeuroImage, Volume 25, Issue 3.

@pantazis @Sylvain
I could then add a process in Brainstorm that takes in input a set of stat files in the process1 tab, and return a new stat files with the same display options, but with the min tmap and the max pmap across all the files.
Does it make sense?
How should I call this process?

Hi Francois,

The article "Nichols, T., Brett, M., Andersson, J., Wager, T., Poline, J-B., (2005). Valid conjunction inference with the minimum statistic, NeuroImage, Volume 25, Issue 3." makes the case that we should be using the minimum statistic (or equivalently maximum pvalue) for valid conjunction analysis among several tests. I was familiar with this article and have used the approach in the past. So you got it right, you can implement a min tmap and max pmap across all the conditions to be combined. As for a name, I would call it 'conjunction inference' or 'conjunction inference (with min statistic / max pvalue)'.


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Thanks for the validation.

I'm currently working on this, and still have one major question regarding the workflow in Brainstorm:
How do we deal with the correction for multiple comparison in this context?
Should I include options in the process to set the type of correction for multiple comparison, compute the corrected p-values for each input file and save in the output file max(corrected_pmap) across all the files?

In that case, the interface would include options similar as the process Apply statistic threshold:
image image

Or is there something smarter I can do to keep the dynamic computation of the correction for multiple comparison from the Stat tab? In that case, what do I do with the multiple .df fields from all the input files?

Hi Francois,

I find it a bit hard to follow the above, but my understanding from the Nichols paper is that you first apply the conjunction analysis to identify which voxels survive the conjunction requirement, and then apply the multiple comparison correction across voxels. So the operation is more like correction(conjunction) and not conjunction(correction).

I think that by max(corrected_pmap) you mean conjunction(correction), but this is not the way to go. You should apply the conjunction operation and then the multiple comparison process.

Does this help or did I miss something?


Yes, this helps a lot, thanks.

One additional detail: In the case of parametric tests, we save the field df in the stat file, and then recompute the pmap values dynamically from the tmap and df values with this function:

In this conjunction process: should I compute the pmap values get rid of the field df in the stat files in input, and then get the max(pmap).

Last question: are there types of stat results I should not allow combining together with this process?
Could this process also be applied across different statistical tests between the same data sets?

Hi Francois,

As you write, I recommend computing the p-values first, and then applying the conjunction process max(p-values). Discard the df field.

I do not recommend you work with t-statistics for conjunction analysis. You cannot just take the min(t-statistics) because each statistic may have different degrees of freedom, which would result in varying p-values. For example, if tstatistic1=tstatistic2 and df1>df2, then pvalue1<pvalue2.

Regarding your last questions: I cannot see any reason why you cannot combine any stat results in conjunction analysis, as long as you have their pvalues. For two tests A and B, conjunction means A AND B. But A and B can be any logical statements, e.g. (a) you have significant brain activity in frontal lobe AND parietal lobe, or (b) you have significant brain activity in frontal lobe AND desynchronization in gamma-band, etc.


Technically, we need some t-values to display the output files in Brainstorm.
What we display are the t-values where p<threshold, therefore we have to fill in both the tmap and pmap.

Do you think this is OK if we save the min(tmap) but add a warning in the process options explaining that the output t-statistics are not reliable?
Could you please draft a sentence explaining this that I could add to the process panel?


@giovanni.mento @SophieBouton

Here is a first draft for you to play with (update Brainstorm to get it):

Example below:
First and second rows: two different tests
Third row: conjunction.

Hi Francois,

The correct conjunction approach would be to solely apply the operation:
Then keep the t-statistic and its df that corresponds to the max pvalue.

For the process panel, you can write something like:

For each value in the input file (each signal, time, and frequency):
Return the statistic that corresponds to the largest p-value (max pmap).

Note, your screenshots suggest max tmap and min pmap, but it is the other way around. The correct is max pmap and (loosely speaking) min tmap, thought the later should consider the degrees of freedom.

Hi Francois,

This is unrelated to this topic, so sorry for placing it here. I always felt the plots with significance on time series, like the below, are confusing and difficult to read in Brainstorm:


There are other ways to show significance, such as placing a line below the plots indicating where we have significant time points:

The line can even vary in thickness showing the number of significant tests, etc:


Alternatively, instead of forcing the lines to zero (causing the discontinuities that are difficult to read), you could change the color of the time courses to light gray when not significant.

I understand the above are not straightforward to implement, but this is food for thought. We could perhaps chat about this in the next Brainstorm developer meeting?


Note, your screenshots suggest max tmap and min pmap, but it is the other way around.

Yes, of course, the text was wrong, the computation correct.

The correct conjunction approach would be to solely apply the operation: max(pvalue)
Then keep the t-statistic and its df that corresponds to the max pvalue.

Thanks, I implemented this in this commit: Statistics: Added process "Conjuction inference" (fix) · brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3@986218d · GitHub


There are other ways to show significance, such as placing a line below the plots indicating where we have significant time points:

This is what is implemented for cluster-based tests, which have only one p-value for all the sensors within a cluster (the colored segments at the top represent the significant time points for each cluster, with the same colors as in the Stat tab):

The line can even vary in thickness showing the number of significant tests, etc:

This looks OK in the figure you copied ("luminance polarity"), with 4 repetitions of the same measure. But I don't see how this could be readable with 300 sensors (for which displaying the mean doesn't make sense).

Alternatively, instead of forcing the lines to zero (causing the discontinuities that are difficult to read), you could change the color of the time courses to light gray when not significant.

This would require recoding entirely how the significant values are filtered with the Stat tab and displayed.

We could hide the parts of the lines that go down to zero. But in that case, it would be difficult to represent the isolated time points. I could display the time series as dots (with the Matlab Marker* properties), but then it means dots for all the data points because for the moment each line is one graphical object, and it's not possible to display dots for only a subset of values without all of them. Splitting one line in different objects would require revisiting a significant portion of figure_timeseries.m (5200 lines...).

It's doable but we need to balance the time we'd need to invest in these developments with their benefits (wrt to all the other current developments)

It works perfectly! The function is very easy to use and I got clear results.
Thank you!!!

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Hi Francois,

Is this conjunction function still available in Brainstorm? For some reason, I can't find it.


Yes, it is under: Process1 > Test > Conjunction inference

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Thanks Raymundo!

Hi, sorry again. I am not sure I understand correctly which files I need to use to perform the analysis as it requires stats files.

What I want to do is to run the analysis to determine which brain region(s) is/are commonly activated across my two groups in one condition.

In my understanding, in the example Francois gave, he used one parametric t-test stats file and another permutation t test stats file of the same contrast. Should I do the same but for the between groups contrast instead of across conditions contrast?

This sounds more like one test on source level and scout level.
See the examples 4 and 5 in the Statistics tutorial

The conjunction is defined as a logic AND between truth statements. Thus in Francois' example, the conjunction indicates the sensors that were: significant in the parametric t-test AND significant in the permutation t-test. Note that the test were performed in the sensor level. Permutation tests in source level in Brainstorm demand large amounts of memory (more info)