Comparisons between PSD

Dear Francois,

Would you mind to tell me how to overlay multiple PSDs between subjects? (I searched the forum, but could not find a related posting. It might be very obvious to everyone else... )

I have 15 subjects, each has three scouts. Using the scout time series (mean before, 10s), I computed PSDs and averaged over trials. Thus, I have three average PSDs per subject. I would like to overlay the PSDs for all subjects -- 45 lines on one figure.

I use BS 16-Jun-2016 with MATLAB runtime.

Thank you in advance..



After computing the PSD for each subject, you can concatenate these files in two different ways:

  • process Standardize > Concatenate signals
  • process Extract > Extract values (Concatenate signals: dimension 1)


Dear Francois,

I tried and it worked.
Thank you very much!


Dear Francois,

Thank you for the comment! I have an additional question which is related to the previous one. If we have 2 groups of participants and, thus, 2 averaged PSD maps (one per group) have can we visualise it on the one map? I mean we have one line for the first group and one line for the second, can we present it on the one figure? Like in the photo.

I tried to do it in Brainstorm, but did not find how.

Thank you!

Select the files you want to compare in Process1.
Run the process "Extract > Extract values" with the option "Concatenate signals". Select only the names of the channels you want to display.
It will generate one new file with all the selected signals.




Thank you very much!