Connectivity with Imaginary Coherency and Corrected with ft_sourcestatistics plotting issues

I am running into the issue of the pop up menu from the scout > project subject list being too long to scroll through all my subjects.

I tried to make this menu with the list of subjects scrollable when there are more than 20 subjects:
GUI: Added scrollable popup menu for lists of subjects · brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3@606f518 · GitHub
Can you update Brainstorm and let me know if it works?

The 'load input files...' is slowing down my entire computer, and eventually I get the error of the resulting array/matrix (~65 GB) being too big.

This is another problem... Indeed, this option "concatenate input files before processing" loads all the recordings (number of sensors x total number of time samples), builds on the fly the source time series (15000 x time samples) and then calls the coherence function on this full matrix. If you work with the full resolution of the cortex surfaces, this will never fit in memory...

You will need to find a way to reduce the dimensions of your problem. For example: decrease the number of vertices, work with ROIs instead of the full brain maps, subdivide your trials in various blocks and then average the coherence values...