Conversion of coordinate system from SCS to world coordinate when exporting the mesh

Did you start the segmentation with ROAST from Brainstorm?
If you overlay the FEM mesh with the anatomy in a 3D figure in Brainstorm: does it look correctly aligned?

I'm still a bit confused by the way the coordinates of the ROAST results are handled, as it goes through iso2mesh as well... See the code:

But if it looks good within Brainstorm, then this is taken care of correctly by Brainstorm and you should not have to worry about the fact that there are many intermediates.

we multiplied the vertices with 1000 to get millimeters to view in 3D Slicer

All the coordinates in Brainstorm are saved in SCS coordinates.
If you are using surfaces files that you found in the Brainstorm database, they are in SCS coordinates.
In order to use then somewhere else, you need to convert them to "world" or "mni" coordinates.

We exported the mesh vtk file after transforming the msh using gmsh to vtk

I have no expertise to comment on this part.

Good luck!