Convert available raw .eeg data to some dataset for further analysis

I'm new in this framework usage, so I have some questions. In general about how to proceed files after EEG measurement. I have .eeg, .vhdr and .vmrk files. I need to make smth like dataset, in csv or excel with timestamp and result of electrode value. Is it possible to do? Also how load it to the available protocol? Thanks for any help in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @angor

Brainstorm supports the Brainvision data format.

You can create a protocol, add a subject, and then import and review your collected data.

I recommend you follow the introduction tutorials:

Hi @tmedani,

thank you for your help. I managed to import the raw file to the BrainStorm. But is it possible to export then this data to some .csv file for example for further analysis by Python? Maybe we have some pluging for that?

Thank you in advance!

Hi Angor

If you are new to Brainstorm, we recommend you to follow the Get started tutorials. It is likely the further analyses that you are planning are already implemented in Brainstorm.

To export any file from Brainstorm, right-click on it, then File > Export file, and select the desired format

Hi @Raymundo.Cassani,

thank you for your help. In general finally I managed to do what I wanted :slight_smile: