Converting EEG data from .h5 file for import

I ran loadh5() on the .h5 file from TVB and it returned the following:

    data: [1×63×2×6000 double]
    time: [6000×1 double]

This is OK, but not sufficient.
You need to find a file that tells you at least the name of these 63 electrodes.

Do these files have standardized names?
Could you point at some online documentation describing this file format / the way to access these files?

It would be useful to invest time in writing a proper TVB .h5 reader in Brainstorm only if any TVB user could benefit from it in an easy way.
If this is the case, please send me a short example file (data + channel names), I'll see how I can organize this.

Otherwise, you can import these files in Brainstorm with the following procedure:

  1. Permute the dimensions to have [Nchannels, Ntime, Nepochs]: = permute(, [2,4,3,1])
  2. Save the structure as a .mat file:
    save('test_file.mat', '-struct', 'test')
  3. Right-click on your subject in the database > Import MEG/EEG > Select file format "EEG: Matlab matrix (.mat)", select the file test_file.mat
  4. Configure the import so that it matches what you have in the file (the field "time" will be ignored and reconstructed from the information you set in the import options):
  5. Right-click on the channel file > Edit channel file : Edit the types and names of the channels