Converting to extended events


My question is simple, is there a way to extend one event marked up to another marker (for all the files at once) ? For example, eyes open up to eyes closed (in order to get the entire eyes open section)

Thank you !

solution is in Events>Combine Stim/Response”

got by example event A at 56.45 ms and Event B at 78sec and i want to create an extended event A_B [56.45;78]

just put in the box:

AB, extend , A , B
BA, extend , B , A

So AB is your new event name for the extended one (same for BA)
Extend is the function (told you to extend)
A, B is your event names

Maximum delay between grouped events still a clue because this seem to be a minimum between two group to be accepted so if your inter-stim interval is 4sec, be sure to add a value over 4000ms (below this nothing gonna be created!)

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