I face a problem when doing the coregistration of SEEG contacts on "Brainstorm 17-Nov-2022".
There are 10 contacts with names O1*1 to O1*10. Please see the images below:
After I change the number of contacts to 10 and set the tip and skull entry, the locations of the electrodes get reversed. Please notice the green bar in the image below:
However, while doing the registration, the panel indicates 110 contacts for this group of electrodes.
The label "O11" was interpreted as electrode O/contact #11, instead of electrode O1/contact #1.
Same for "O110" => electrode O/contact #110, instead of electrode O1/contact #10.
I fixed the sorting here:
This automatic detection gets done the first time the channel file is opened for visualization.
To get this applied to your data, you would need to delete the "Link to raw file" folder, and review the file again.
Alternatively, you can edit the channel file manually and replace the Group "O" with "O1", then open the channel file for display, and set again the coordinates of the "tip" and "skull entry".
After I change the number of contacts to 10 and set the tip and skull entry, the locations of the electrodes get reversed.
This is most likely because you click "tip" and "skull entry" in the wrong order.