Cortical area estimation from scouts

Hello everyone,

does anyone know how BS is calculating the area of the cortex when selecting the "structures" scout (The one underlined in red on the picture)?
Is the calculation based on the number of vertices and scouts, or just on one of them? I would like to calculate the same area on Matlab, so I need to understand how to evaluate it.


The surface of each triangle of the cortex surface is computed in tess_area.m:

And then summed up across scouts in panel_scout.m:

Note that this measure gives the sum of the surface of all the faces of the cortex surface currently loaded in the Brainstorm interface, which is a very schematic representation used mainly for the purpose of MEG/EEG source estimation, and it may not represent the actual surface of cortex of the subject.

For computing realistic measures, I recommend you ask specialists of this field (e.g. developers of FreeSurfer, CAT, BrainSuite, ...)