DBA/ Mixed source model script generation

Dear Brainstorm Developer, Users

I want to do deep brain + cortex source modeling for my project and that works very well in the GUI, Although I need to automatize the process and loop over my subjects in a script.
I need the corresponding functions from the following action in the GUI:

  • new atlas "Source model options "
  • set modeling options to "Deep brain "

Any Idea about corresponding functions?

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Hi @etohidi,

Apologies for the delay in answering, we just added the Matlab script to reproduce the DBA tutorial in commit 4855817

Update your Brainstorm instance and you will see the script tutorial_dba.m in the toolbox/scripts/ directory of Brainstorm. This is the file:

Such script shows how to perform the steps you asked. Let us know if you require further information. Best, Raymundo


Dear @Raymundo.Cassani I really appreciate you providing this, I have adapted my script, Yesterday I was trying to manually modify the structure according to https://neuroimage.usc.edu/forums/t/scripting-deepatlas-select-deep-structures/9661/2 of the merged surfaces and saving it back to the brainstorm, but somehow brainstorm didn't accept the new modified Atlas, But this totally works!
