Deleting bad segments from raw data

Hello, we are a group of psychology students at the Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas, Venezuela. We have no experience in programming, but we are interested in doing research with the Emotiv Epoc X headset with 14 channels/electrodes. We appreciate receiving information about these doubts:

  1. Is it possible to add two additional channels (GSR and heart rate), not related to the Emotiv Epoc X headset, that were already exported as .CSV format? If so, how could we do it?
  2. Is it possible to delete BAD segments from the raw data? (not identifying them as bad, but deleting them from the timeline); if they are selected as “BAD segments” would they be excluded from the analysis?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @vtortorici

You can review the .csv files as well, this will create another raw folder.
How are the GSR and HR time series synchronized with the EEG data?
If they are synchronized with an event, you can use the process Synchronize > Synchronize files

Deleting is not recommended as it will introduce discontinuities (jumps) in the data.

Once data is imported, any trial (or epoch) that contains a bad event will be labelled as bad trial, and it will not be used for further processing.