Deploy Brainstrom

How can I deploy brainstorm with Matlab deploytool?
before deploying, I can run all functions of brainstorm without any problem but after deploying, it doesn't work!
I suppose that (maybe) it is due to 'getYkgwHdrAcqCond.p', 'getRHdrAcqCond.p', and similar .p files which Matlab could not analysis them. Is there any way to fix this problem?

To compile Brainstorm, please see the following instructions, and the related discussions on the forum:

Thanks a lot for your guideline.
I read this page. How I can use the compiled version of brainstorm?
I write a code to deploy with MATLAB which is includes the 'brainstorm start'. After compiling it in the Drive C, then, adding its folder to the MATLAB paths and remove the original brainstorm toolbox from the MATLAB paths, it can't find the 'brainstorm'!
Is there any command to load or open the brainstorm after compiling?

Hello, I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do, but the compiled Brainstorm does not run in Matlab, it runs from the OS. E.g. if your on Windows, it would be a .exe file created somewhere. I haven't used the Matlab compiler before so I don't know where it saves the binary files, but it shouldn't be too hard to find. Note also that we already share compiled Brainstorm which you can download.

The instructions to run the compiled version of Brainstorm are available on the installation page, sections "Without Matlab":

Thank you.