Differences in PTE values when different scouts were used

Indeed, I could reproduce this behavior, with only one file, and 2 or 3 scouts, independently from any other options in the process. The function PhaseTE_MF behaves differently for 2 or 3 signals.

Examples at line 577 in bst_connectivity:
[dPTE, PTE] = PhaseTE_MF(permute(DataAband, [2 1]));

Two examples for DataAband (for the second figure, the 3rd signal was removed):

PTE1 = 
         0    0.2320    0.1752
    0.1587         0    0.1992
    0.5978    0.5174         0

PTE2 =
         0    0.1394
    0.2450         0

@MartinC @hossein27en @Marc.Lalancette @Sylvain
Is this expected?