Different PAC results between different BS versions

Here you are.

Generate three PAC data using Simulate PAC signals (version 1.2)
signal duration: 10s
sampling: 1000.0 Hz
coupling intensity: 0.90
SN: 6.0 dB

w1 fP1 = 9 Hz, fA1 = 115 Hz, coupling phase: 270 degree
w2 fP2 = 13 Hz, fA2 = 145 Hz, coupling phase: 0 degree
w3 fP3 = 5 Hz, fA3 = 87 Hz, coupling phase: 180 degree

Export the data to Workspace
right-click on wave data / File / Export to Matlab
variable names are set as w1, w2, and w3.

Run the following script
waveData = (w2.Value + w3.Value)/2;
waveData = cat(2, w1.Value(1:10000), waveData(1:10001));

timeData = w1.Time + 10.0;
timeData = cat(2, w1.Time(1:10000), timeData(1:10001));

synthesized_pac = w1;
synthesized_pac.Value = waveData;
synthesized_pac.Time = timeData;
synthesized_pac.Comment = 'Simulated PAC';

Import synthesized_pac
right-click on the folder under the subject, select File / Import from Matlab

synthesized_pac.mat (208.3 KB)
