Digitized EEG position and projection on scalp

We are building our own digitilization system based on move capture system with a marker on each electrod. Our recorded positions correspond to those of the marker on the electrode.
When aligning with MRI, how the projection of EEG position on scalp is made by bst? Does the brainstorm projection need to know the thickness of the electrode for example?

When aligning with MRI, how the projection of EEG position on scalp is made by bst?

Radial projection of the electrodes on the scalp surface with respect to the center of mass of the head surface (mean of all the vertices [x,y,z]).

Does the brainstorm projection need to know the thickness of the electrode for example?

The positions that must be indicated in the channel file is the contact point between the electrode and the scalp. Therefore, if you set in the channel file the position of the top of an electrode that has a pedestal (eg. the EGI hydocell nets), you must project them on the head surface.


I don't perfectly understand that and how I sould indicate this in the channel file, please?

I don't perfectly understand that and how I sould indicate this in the channel file, please?

When you digitize your electrodes 3D coordinates, you may get positions that are 0.5-1cm away from the scalp.
Import this as your electrodes coordinates in the Brainstorm database (channel file), and then project the electrodes on the scalp with Brainstorm.