Dear experts;
I have considered two dipoles within the volume of the head and assigned a signal with a wide spectrum of frequencies from 0.5 to 98 Hz to each. Then, I simulated the EEG signal recorded by a 65-channel electrode array and added noise. Using the dipole modeling command, I localized the bipolar sources, and with the Dipole Scanning command, I determined the estimated locations of the dipoles. However, I have encountered several questions for which I would appreciate your response:
What is the relationship between SNR=10logps/pn, where ps is the signal power and pn is the noise power, with the specified SNR in the simulation stages?
Changing the SNR (increasing or decreasing) does not significantly affect the estimated locations of the dipoles.
The dipoles displayed after dipole scanning all have different centers and directions, indicating that all estimates have identified a single location for the dipoles. Is this correct?
Did I make a mistake at some stage? if it is needed I will send you the process details.
best regards