Dispaly as graph error

Dear Brainstorm team,

I recently updated Brainstorm to the version released on 8/28. When performing connectivity analysis and trying to visualize the results, I encounter an error as follows.

Would you be able to help me figure out why this is happening?

An error occurred while using the following: panel_scout>ParseVolumeAtlas
Too many input arguments.

Error occurred: figure_connect (line 29)

Error occurred: view_connect (line 275)
figure_connect('LoadFigurePlot', hFig);

Error occurred: tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)view_connect(filenameRelative,'Fibers') (line 1955)
gui_component('MenuItem', jPopup, [], 'Display fibers [experimental]', IconLoader.ICON_FIBERS, [], @(h,ev)view_connect(filenameRelative, 'Fibers'));

Note: Past data doesn't have any issues with visualization.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Hi Yoon,

This bug was introduced with the updates in the connectivity codes last week
The bug is now fixed in: Bugfix: Connectivity, save only one Atlas for scout-wise NxN · brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3@e7b500e · GitHub

Update your Brainstorm instance, and recompute the connectivity matrix.


Hi! Raymudo and Brainstorm team.
thanks for contributing!

