Neuroscientist(s) with focus on new methodological approaches in EEG and MEG
neuroimaging and the simulation of multi-channel transcranial direct current
stimulation (mc-tDCS)
The medical faculty in collaboration with the mathematics department of the University of Münster,
Germany, invites expressions of interest for a
PostDoctoral Researcher (TVL13, 100%)
or for
two Doctoral Students (TVL13, 50%)
for three-year positions to work within the German Research Foundation (DFG) funded project
“Multi-channel transcranial direct current stimulation (mc-tDCS): a novel approach to modulate
smooth pursuit eye movement control in healthy individuals and patients with psychotic disorders”
(funding period from 2021 to 2024), see
The applicants will contribute to the development, evaluation and application of new EEG
and MEG neuroimaging and mc-tDCS simulation approaches based on realistic head
volume conductor models using modern finite element methods as well as sensitivity
analysis. The new methods will be applied in close collaboration with our clinical colleagues for
investigating the interaction of sensory processing and motor control during ongoing smooth pursuit
eye movements in a group of healthy and a group of schizophrenia patients.
The successful applicant holds a PhD degree and/or a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a relevant
academic area such as applied mathematics, computer science, physics, biomedical or
electrical engineering or similar disciplines. Good programming expertise (Matlab, C++,
Python or equivalent) and experience with the Linux operating system is expected, because large
software toolboxes are used and further developed. The working language at the institute is English.
Experience with targeted and optimized brain stimulation and with the measurement and analysis of
brain signals is advantageous, but not essential. The applicant’s merits are assessed on the basis of the
quality of PhD and/or Master’s level studies and thesis, previous experience with neuroimaging,
numerical mathematics, optimization, inverse problems, software development, motivation and
research interests.
The location for this research will be the workgroups of Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolters and Prof. Dr. Joachim Groß
at the Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis (IBB) (,
and of Prof. Dr. Christian Engwer, Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics,
all at the University of Münster in Germany.
Expected close collaborations and visits are to the partnering clinics, namely the Departments of
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Lübeck (director: Prof. Dr. Stefan Borgwardt) and at
the Department of Mental Health at the University of Münster (director: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Baune).
The expressions of interest should include a statement of research interests and reasons for applying to the
project, a curriculum vitae (max. 5 pages) composed according to good scientific practice, a certificate
of PhD and/or Master’s degree, copy of the master’s thesis and grades of Master’s level studies, the
names and e-mail addresses of two referees and a proof of proficiency in English.
The position will be open until filled. As an expression of interest for the position, please send the above
documents as pdfs until 31.10.2020 to
Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolters,
Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis,
University of Münster,
Malmedyweg 15,
48149 Münster,
or by Email to
Applications of women are specifically invited. In the case of similar qualifications, competence, and specific
achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms within the framework of the legal possibilities.
Handicapped candidates with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.
-- Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Carsten H. Wolters University of Münster Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis Malmedyweg 15 48149 Münster, Germany Phone: +49 (0)251 83 56904 +49 (0)251 83 56865 (secr.) Fax: +49 (0)251 83 56874 Email: Web: