Does anyone knows how to read a Nicolet .ERD file?

I get some Nicolet EEG files recently, which are not -.e files. There are -.eeg -.ent -.epo -.erd -.etc -.snc -.vt2 -.vtc files. The main data seems to be in -.erd files as they are apparently larger than other files. I've googled everywhere but find nothing useful.

Has anyone ever seen Nicolet files like this? Any infomation will be of great value. Thanks!

I have never heard of these files.
Are you sure these are recorded by a Nicolet system?
If so, contact the Nicolet customer support.

Thanks for your reply.
I just find a protuct of Natus that generates -.erd files. It's called something like Xltek NeuroWorks. I don't know much about this. Perhaps it's not EEG equipment at all? Maybe the doctors just take Natus as Nicolet. I'll let my fellow find it out.

There are some Natus EEG systems that create files with a .EEG/.ERD extensions, indeed.

The Natus company refuses to collaborate with open-source projects, to document publicly their file formats or to provide free libraries to read their file formats. There are maybe solutions to export these files in a different file format (hopefully EDF+) from the Natus software.
You can try to ask the Natus customer support how you are supposed to proceed to access the EEG recordings in Matlab.

OK, I'll try your suggestion.

Thank you so much!