Dual Overlays in MRI Viewer


I have imported a latency z map nifti file into the Anatomy section and can view it with the MRI Viewer as an overlay on the default MRI. What I would like to do is view the latency z map nifti and overlay PNAI: MEG GRAD(Unconstr) 2018 within the same MRI viewer.

Here are the two views that I would like to have overlaid in one MRI viewer:

MRIcroGL can do this pretty easily but I do not know how to export the PNAI: MEG GRAD(Unconstr) 2018 from Brainstorm as a DICOM stack or nifti.

If someone could help explain how to create this product within Brainstorm or export the necessary info, that would be greatly appreciated.


The Brainstorm MRI Viewer can only show one overlay at a time.
If you want to display multiple volumes on the same image, you need to do it in a separate program, such as MRIcron.

To export source results as volumes: right-click on a file > File > Export as 4D matrix.
Or select your files in the Process1 box and run process File > Export to SPM8/SPM12 (volume)

Thank you for the feedback! I have tried exporting, as you explained for the second method. The issue I had was that the time window had to be greatly reduced and the exported product did not retain the same amplitude/threshold or positioning in atlas space.

My current solution is to use Gimp, a free image editing software, to layer the images. This is great for snapshots to put in reports but not much more.


You need to export the T1 MRI in the same way from Brainstorm, and overlay exported T1 + exported sources.