EEG Dataset has digitized fiducials inside head

Hi all,

I'm relatively new to source localization, and noticed that for one of the subjects in this dataset I have been working with (Sub-01), their digitized fiducials are located inside the head.

As an example:
"Sub-01: "LPA : (-50.2, -0.0, -0.0) mm, Nasion : (0.0, 24.8, -0.0) mm, RPA : (65.5, 0.0, -0.0) mm"

Sub-02: "LPA : (-72.2, 0.0, -0.0) mm, Nasion : (-0.0, 114.8, -0.0) mm, RPA : (68.4, 0.0, -0.0) mm"

Sub-03: "LPA : (-78.0, -0.0, 0.0) mm, Nasion : (-0.0, 111.5, 0.0) mm, RPA : (73.5, -0.0, 0.0) mm"

The nasion y-value value is markedly lower than the other subjects. The documentation stated: "Electroencephalographic data were acquired at 1450 Hz (Nexstim eXimia EEG) from 60 channels placed according to the international 10-20 system and the manufacturer's standard cap. The ground electrode was placed on the bridge of the nose. One diagonal bipolar electro-oculogram (EOG) channel was placed around the right eye. Channels were prepared to less than 5 kiloOhms impedance. The scalp location of each channel was digitized after cap preparation and prior to recordings. We also digitized the nasion and both pre-auricular points, plus 100 additional scalp points not corresponding to any EEG sensor, to improve the quality of MRI-to-digitization co-registration.
Three anatomical fiducials were digitized for aligning the EEG with the pre-operative MRI: the nasion (lowest depression between the eyes) and the left and right ears (lowest depression between the tragus and the helix, above the tragus). This procedure is illustrated here:" but nothing else in particular about this subject.

What could this be? A shift in origin/reference? I contacted one of the authors who answered questions when the dataset was made available, and they were not sure as it had been a long time since the study was published.

Hi @itailor

It seems that the NAS value might not be correctly recorded, possibly due to a typo. For instance, instead of 24.8, it could be 124.8.
If you have the fiducial points on the MRI, you can compare those values.
Otherwise, you can manually align the head or edit the NAS value.
