Hi to all
I want to do source localization and after that I’d like to do a connectivity analysis with my EEG data. (Recorded with Geodesic 128 Electrodes)
The EEG is from an audio listening task and the data are already pre-processed. I used 109 Channels for the export. The yellow marked channels in the picture below where rejected.
Now I'd like to ask if my processing pipeline was correct.
Loaded the ICBM 152 default anatomy
Imported EGI 128 channel file for ICBM152
Checks MRI edit => Looked fine
Imported 1 average file for every subject (auditory listening condition).
Imported about 150 one second epochs resting state (EO) for the noise covariance matrix for each subject. (I used EO because during the listening task the subjects had their eyes opened as well and locked at a fixation cross).
Calculated noise covariance matrix from EO
Calculated head model OpenMEEG
Computed source 2018 and used Loreta (Unconstrained, no covariance regularization, full results)
Avarged all source estimations (arithmetic Average)
Now I'm struggling a bit with the source localization. Because the activation with the OpenMEEG looks a bit strange with basal activation and activations around the Cz electrode. But as the subjects simply listened to a piano tone, this should be localized in the auditory cortex.
Loretta with OpenMEEG (at 108ms)
MN with OpenMEEG(at 108ms)
When I do the source localization with the 3-Shell-Sphere it locks quite better.
Loreta with 3-shell sphere (at 108ms)
MN with 3-shell sphere(at 108ms)
Do you have any idea what went wrong and how I could fix that and why there are this huge differences between the source models?
Or is it ok, when I'm going with the 3-Shell-Sphere? Because in your tutorial for the „Head modeling“ you recommend the OpenMEEG BEM model for EEG data.
I have also a question concerning the noise covariance matrix. Is it ok to use 100 sec of EO for the calculation or would you recommend something else, likeEC?
Do you have any hints for source localization with a geodesic high density system? Like removing electrodes or stuff like that?
My last question is about the connectivity. I thought about using the „Phase locking Value NxN“. But I’m not sure what kind of connectivity the coherence NxN and correlation NxN are. Is this a plain coherence and correlation matrix? Are there any papers or documentations for that? Or can you recommend another connectivity measurement?