Error importing Xltek annotations

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to analyse an EEG imported from Natus Xltek. It’s an overnight recording, starting from almost 22:00 to 06:00 of the next day. When I export the annotations as a .txt file, it is clearly stated that some time stamps are from day 1 (d1) and some from the second day (d2) but, when I incorporate the file in Brainstorm, it thinks that the annotations from the second day are also from the first one, so it locates them at times such as -75163 seconds.
Is there any way to solve this?

imagen 2

The latency of the events you import in Brainstorm after linking the recordings to the database must be relative to the beginning of the file as displayed in the Brainstorm viewer.
If you import an EDF file, the first data sample has the time t=0s. All the events you import must be relative to this starting point.

If you import an events file that has a different time origin, you need to fix it manually after importing. Select the menu "Events > Add time offset", and provide exactly the delay in seconds between the reference time (t=0s) in the events file and the reference time (t=0s) in the "Link to raw file".