Hi, @tmedani
I think this case is very similar to mine.
I am still in trouble with error:'coordinate is outside of the grid,', and mergemesh/mergesurf doesn't work at my machine.
Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?
This is the past question : Encountering FEM Mesh Generation Issues with SimNIBS 4: Skull penetrate Scalp Layer - #3 by bong516612
and I can share you 2 participants who has same problem
If this is due to bad quality of MRI, than I will exclude these 2 participant from my project.
I will waiting for your opinion!
Thanks a lot,
Here is data : 2 participant's zip file (exported subject) for brainstorm, MRI (freesurfer output and T2), preprocessed .set file (EEGLAB), .pom file for channel position