Error in inter-regional tPAC (fir from Fieltrip)

Hi! I'm trying to run the phase amplitude coupling on EEG data in alpha and gamma band among several scouts, but I'm getting this error:

Line 80: SWITCH expression must be a scalar or a character vector. _______________________________________________
Call stack:

fir1.m at 80
bst_bandpass_hfilter.m at 183
process_pac_ir_dynamic.m>Compute at 800
process_pac_ir_dynamic.m>Run at 427
process_pac_ir_dynamic.m at 82
bst_process.m>Run at 236
bst_process.m at 38
panel_process1.m>RunProcess at 124
panel_process1.m at 26
gui_brainstorm.m>CreateWindow/ProcessRun_Callback at 777
bst_call.m at 28
gui_brainstorm.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@ProcessRun_Callback) at 298 _______________________________________________

I'm new to brainstorm and maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Could you please help me in this?
Thank you,

Hi Sarah,

This error is produced because the fir1.m file that is called is not the one from the Matlab Signal Processing Toolbox. It may be introduced by other toolbox in your path, most likely by FieldTrip

Check this other post with the same error: Detecting Custom Events


Hi Raymundo,
now it's working, thank you so much for your helpful information!
