Error in OpenMEEG

Hi all:
I am learning Brainstorm in a mac, I have installed OpenMEEG-, but when I try compute head model, an error appears as follow:

Error: OpenMEEG call: om_assemble -HM
** “/Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/tmp/openmeeg.geom”
** “/Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/tmp/openmeeg.cond”
** “/Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/tmp/openmeeg_hm.mat”
** OpenMEEG error #133:
** dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libOpenMEEG.1.dylib
** Referenced from: /Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/openmeeg/mac64/./om_assemble
** Reason: image not found
** /bin/bash: line 1: 11053 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ./om_assemble -HM “/Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/tmp/openmeeg.geom” “/Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/tmp/openmeeg.cond” “/Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/tmp/openmeeg_hm.mat” 2>&1
Could anyone help me? Thanks


Hi Cong,

Brainstorm currently only officially supports OpenMEEG version 2.2.0. You should not have to install it yourself, when you first use source reconstruction in Brainstorm it will automatically download and install it.

Sadly I don’t have a Mac available to test this, but perhaps you could try adding a link to the file libOpenMEEG.1.dylib in Brainstorm’s openMEEG installation located for you under /Users/Brainwaver/.brainstorm/openmeeg/mac64/. Look for a file similar looking such as libOpenMEEG.dylib.

I hope this helps.

Dear Martin
I install 2.2.0 and it works. Thank you very much.

Best Regards

Dear martin, dear cong,

we’re working hard to make a new OpenMEEG release later this month.
When you tried did you have libOpenMEEG.1.dylib in the folder:


thanks for any feedback so we can soon ship a better OpenMEEG version
with Brainstorm.
