Error in: Run -> Add process

Hi, I am having a problem trying to run a process. My Matlab's version is R2023b and my operating system laptop version is Windows 11. In the GUI section of Process, I click Run (start) -> Add process. Then, I can't see the list of available processes. Instead, the Matlab terminal shows the following error:

Operands to the logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. Use the
ANY or ALL functions to reduce operands to logical scalar values.

Error in panel_process_select>CreatePanel/GetAvailableProcesses (line 385)
            if isempty(DataType) || ~ismember(DataType, sProcessesAll(iProc).InputTypes)

Error in panel_process_select>CreatePanel/ShowProcessMenu (line 440)
        [sProcesses, iSelProc] = GetAvailableProcesses(procDataType, procFiles, isFirstProc, nInputsProc);

Error in panel_process_select>@(h,ev)ShowProcessMenu('insert') (line 130)
    jButtonAdd = gui_component('ToolbarButton', jToolbar, [], '', IconLoader.ICON_PROCESS_SELECT,    'Add process', @(h,ev)ShowProcessMenu('insert'));

How can I solve this?

What version of Brainstorm do you have?
Can you update it to the latest version?

Yes, I can update it. My version is:


ans =

struct with fields:

   Name: 'Brainstorm'
Version: '3.250107'
Release: '250107'
   Date: '07-Jan-2025'
 Commit: '69bbf5335fd967d89de90428fb22a1855526ce14'

It seems there is a problematic process file (process_*.m), which it is likely to be a user process.

To figure it out:

  1. Check if there is a warning in the startup text that appears in the Matlab console when Brainstorm starts

  2. Remove from the Matlab path all the directories, and run Brainstorm.
    This is to ensure that only Brainstorm processes are present.

  3. If you are familiar with the Matlab debugger, place a breakpoint in line 385 in panel_process_select then in evaluate these lines and post the result

>> DataType
>> sProcessesAll(iProc)
>> sProcessesAll(iProc).InputTypes