Error in: Run -> Add process

Hi, I am having a problem trying to run a process. My Matlab's version is R2023b and my operating system laptop version is Windows 11. In the GUI section of Process, I click Run (start) -> Add process. Then, I can't see the list of available processes. Instead, the Matlab terminal shows the following error:

Operands to the logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. Use the
ANY or ALL functions to reduce operands to logical scalar values.

Error in panel_process_select>CreatePanel/GetAvailableProcesses (line 385)
if isempty(DataType) || ~ismember(DataType, sProcessesAll(iProc).InputTypes)

Error in panel_process_select>CreatePanel/ShowProcessMenu (line 440)
[sProcesses, iSelProc] = GetAvailableProcesses(procDataType, procFiles, isFirstProc, nInputsProc);

Error in panel_process_select>@(h,ev)ShowProcessMenu('insert') (line 130)
jButtonAdd = gui_component('ToolbarButton', jToolbar, , '', IconLoader.ICON_PROCESS_SELECT, 'Add process', @(h,ev)ShowProcessMenu('insert'));

How can I solve this?

What version of Brainstorm do you have?
Can you update it to the latest version?

Yes, I can update it. My version is:


ans =

struct with fields:

   Name: 'Brainstorm'
Version: '3.250107'
Release: '250107'
   Date: '07-Jan-2025'
 Commit: '69bbf5335fd967d89de90428fb22a1855526ce14'