Error in SimMEEG_GUI.m

When using it in in brainstorm i get an error when trying to load . ive followed the tutorial/video on how to use it in brainstorm but i am unable to use

please help

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The function "normrnd" is part of the Statistics Toolbox.
If you don't have the license to install it, you should be able to use from the compiled version of Brainstorm (see instructions "Without Matlab").

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@docath Could you use a replacement function that does not use any special toolbox?

I have the license to install it , i'm re downloading Matlab now, how can I install the toolbox or does it come already in Matlab if that makes sense ?
Thank you so much for your help

In the Matlab installer, in the window that lets you select the products to install, you can unselect MATLAB and select only the additional toolboxes you need.

amazing! managed to get it running thank you so much