Hi all,
I am creating FEM meshes for 10 subjects in Brainstorm. I have a Linux machine and I open Matlab from the terminal and run Brainstorm from Matlab. Then, I run FEM mesh generation using T1w and T2w images with SimNIBS for each participant (one by one).
Since it takes min 3 hours to generate the FEM mesh, I opened 3 terminals from three different computers and opened Matlab and Brainstorm from those different computers (but from the same account in the computer). I created 2 more Protocols inside the brainstorm_db and in each protocol, I was running one FEM mesh generation for one participant.
However, I got an error from one of the FEM mesh generations, and 2 of them are still running even though it's been more than 8 hours.
I got the following error in Brainstorm UI: SimNIBS call:
headreco all --noclean Subject03 /home/glale/.brainstorm/tmp/simnibs/Subject03T1.nii /home/glale/.brainstorm/tmp/simnibs/Subject03T2.nii
SimNIBS error #1: See command window
And this error from the Matlab command window:
No such file or directory as /shome/glale/.brainstorm/tmp/simnibs/m2m_Subject03/tmp/wmx.nii1.off
I should also specify that I'm using the latest Brainstorm version and 2020b version for Matlab.
Also, I had no errors before when I was running the FEM meshes one by one.
Are these errors and the long-running time for FEM meshes caused by multiple Brainstorm jobs inside the same database? Or might there be a problem with the files?
I wonder what could be the problem and I appreciate your answers in advance.