Almost all my data files cannot be visualized. It seems that the "strfind" function contributes to this error. For example, below are the reports when I tried to open the head mask file in the Anatomy.
Error using strfind
PATTERN must be a string scalar or character vector.
Error in contains (line 36)
tf = ~cellfun(@isempty, strfind(s, pattern));
Error in matlab.ui.internal.prepareFigureFor
Error in zoom (line 242)
matlab.ui.internal.prepareFigureFor(f, mfilename('fullpath'));
Error in figure_3d>CreateFigure (line 111)
z = zoom(hFig);
Error in figure_3d (line 44)
Error in bst_figures>CreateFigure (line 175)
hFig = figure_3d('CreateFigure', FigureId);
Error in bst_figures (line 60)
Error in view_surface (line 111)
[hFig, iFig, isNewFig] = bst_figures('CreateFigure', iDS, FigureId);
Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)view_surface(filenameRelative) (line 1107)
gui_component('MenuItem', jPopup, [], 'Display', IconLoader.ICON_DISPLAY, [],
And for other data, "Error using strfind" would also appear.