Dear Francois,
Thanks again for the great toolbox.
Recently I tried to read cnt files and get the following error:
** Error: Line 29: Invalid MEX-file ‘/Users/stephan/Dropbox/Matlab/brainstorm3/external/eeglab/anteepimport1.09/read_eep_cnt.mexmaci64’: dlopen(/Users/stephan/Dropbox/Matlab/brainstorm3/external/eeglab/anteepimport1.09/read_eep_cnt.mexmaci64, 1): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libeep.3.dylib
** Referenced from: /Users/stephan/Dropbox/Matlab/brainstorm3/external/eeglab/anteepimport1.09/read_eep_cnt.mexmaci64
** Reason: image not found
** Call stack:
** >in_fopen_ant.m at 29
** >in_fopen.m at 53
** >import_raw.m at 112
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@import_raw,[],[],iSubject) at 522
I looked in my /usr/local/lib directory and there is no libeep.3.dylib file. I work on a MacBook Pro 64bit. With reading different MEG data I had never problems before.
I guess I should get the libeep.3.dylib and copy it in the /usr/local/lib/ direcotry. Where can I get it?
Thanks a lot,