Error reading cnt files

Dear Francois,

Thanks again for the great toolbox.
Recently I tried to read cnt files and get the following error:

** Error: Line 29: Invalid MEX-file ‘/Users/stephan/Dropbox/Matlab/brainstorm3/external/eeglab/anteepimport1.09/read_eep_cnt.mexmaci64’: dlopen(/Users/stephan/Dropbox/Matlab/brainstorm3/external/eeglab/anteepimport1.09/read_eep_cnt.mexmaci64, 1): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libeep.3.dylib
** Referenced from: /Users/stephan/Dropbox/Matlab/brainstorm3/external/eeglab/anteepimport1.09/read_eep_cnt.mexmaci64
** Reason: image not found
** Call stack:
** >in_fopen_ant.m at 29
** >in_fopen.m at 53
** >import_raw.m at 112
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@import_raw,[],[],iSubject) at 522

I looked in my /usr/local/lib directory and there is no libeep.3.dylib file. I work on a MacBook Pro 64bit. With reading different MEG data I had never problems before.
I guess I should get the libeep.3.dylib and copy it in the /usr/local/lib/ direcotry. Where can I get it?

Thanks a lot,


Hi Stephan,

First, are you sure you selected the correct .cnt file format?
You have more than one file format that can have .cnt extension: ANT EEProbe and Neuroscan.

We are using the ANTeepimport EEGLAB plugin to read the ANT EEProbe/ASA files.
I updated this plugin to the latest version (1.10 instead of 1.09).
Close Matlab, update Brainstorm and try again reading your file.

If you get an error message, please let me know.
I also suggest you contact the author of this EEGLAB plugin to let him know you are having difficulties with it:


Hi Francois,

Thanks for your reply. I fear I myself was quite stupid. The file was a Neuroscan file and maybe that caused the error. If I choose the right file format (Neuroscan), the file is perfectly read without any problems. Sorry for causing you unnecessary work (reading and replying my question).

