We are using a Polhemus fastrak digitizer with Brainstorm binary version downloaded from here: We are using MATLAB Runtime R2022B (9.13).
I am not able to collect RPA and generate the headpoints figure. This is the error message that was generated:
Error using view_headpoints
No scalp surface available for this suject.
Error in panel_digitize>CreateHeadpointsFigure (line 957)
Error in panel_digitize>BytesAvailable_Callback (line 1538)
Error in instrcb (line 42)
Warning: The BytesAvailableFcn is being disabled. To enable the callback property
either connect to the hardware with FOPEN or set the BytesAvailableFcn property.
> In bst_startup (line 759)
In brainstorm (line 123)
Based on other threads reporting the same problem, I tried the following:
Disconnect one of our two monitors and re-run it. However, the issue persists.
Right click on the subject folder in the database explorer à Edit subject à (you suggested the option ‘Yes, use protocol’s default anatomy’. But this option is greyed out for me.)
I suspect this has to do with using the compiled version and/or not having a template to use as default anatomy. I think it's supposed to download it automatically if it's not present. Does that computer have an internet connection? Are you able to download and install a default anatomy from within Brainstorm (right click "default anatomy" > "use template" > and select one, e.g. ICBM 2023), or manually?
Otherwise, is this repeatable, I mean trying again with a new subject name not already in the database?
Hi Marc,
Thanks for your guidance. It is an offline computer, so I downloaded the zip file of an anatomy template from the Brainstorm download page and transferred it to the 'defaults->anatomy' folder on the computer. Now it is working
Appreciate your time.