I meet following error when deal with MRI data.in fact,the same error occurs when install.
** Error: Line 100: Out of memory.
** Please unload some datasets (or restart Matlab) an try again.
** Call stack:
** >in_mri_mgh.m at 100
** >in_mri.m at 114
** >import_mri.m at 91
** >import_anatomy_fs.m at 180
** >import_anatomy.m at 50
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@import_anatomy,iSubject) at 520
My computer memory space is enough.can you tell me how to solve the problem?
There are many functions that will be difficult to run in Brainstorm with a 32bit system.
The system cannot address large contiguous segments of memory, therefore Matlab cannot allocate large matrices.
You can see the size of the largest matrix that can be allocated at the bottom of the option window when you select the menu File > Edit preferences.
Importing a .mgh file should be fine after restarting Matlab, but might be difficult after using Brainstorm a bit.
Try restarting your system, closing all the other programs, and load your file immediately after starting Brainstorm.