Error when installing nirstorm


I'm trying to install NIRSTORM; the installation process seems to work well but when I run the run_test file; There is several error :

.BST> process_nst_detect_bad.m overridden by user (/lena13/home_users/users/ext-e.delaire/.brainstorm/process)
BST> process_nst_mbll.m overridden by user (/lena13/home_users/users/ext-e.delaire/.brainstorm/process)
BST> Invalid plug-in function: "process_nst_cpt_fluences_from_cortex.m"
BST> Invalid plug-in function: "process_nst_cpt_fluences_from_head.m"

also have this error, when the test is trying to get dist files.

Error occurred in RemoteDataTest/test_file_request and it did not run to completion.

Error ID:

Error Details:
Error using nst_request_files (line 166)
Failed downloads:

Error in RemoteDataTest/test_file_request (line 40)
            [local_fns, downloaded_fns] = nst_request_files(data_fns, 0);

I've try to reinstall brainstorm and nirstorm, but the error are still here.

Thanks a lot for your help.

This is a question for the developers of this plugin:
@tvincent @cgrova?


this error is due the server state rather but not to a faulty installation on your side. We’re investigating this.
Else, unit tests seem to work fine on your computer.

For any other problem/question, you can also post an issue on the nirstorm github project, where we’re likely to respond faster.



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