Export Raw EEG Files to BIDS format


I'm trying to export Raw EEG Files to BIDS format. Unfortunately, even following the tutorial given on the website ( ExportBids - Brainstorm (usc.edu) ), the same error appears : « Error : Data type mismatch. Invalid inputs for process : « Export BIDS dataset [experimental] ».

I'm working with MatlabRuntime, is that why it doesn't work ? Also, my files are of .bdf fileformat, if it could help.

Could someone help me understand what the problem is?

Thanks for your help,


The BDF format is accepted in the BIDS specification, and I've just tested with a few files that it still works. It should work with the compiled version of Brainstorm as well.

You get this error most likely because you selected files in the process1 tab that are not raw continuous files. Only "Link to raw files" are accepted as inputs to this process.

Note that this process is incomplete. There are lots of metadata fields and files that are missing in the exported BIDS folder.
I will work on improving this export process before the end of the year.

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Thank you very much, thanks to your help it now works as expected !